At Foliotek, we try hard to provide the best assessment and portfolio software possible. To do that, we make changes every week. Sometimes we fix things that don't work, other times we release new features to improve your experience. Below you will find a list and description of the changes we have made this month.
What's new
We released some new features and upgrades this week:
- Sorry...nothing new this week.
What we fixed
Several issues were fixed this past week:
- The ability to decline revision evaluations on Portfolio-Integrated Evaluations was available and should not have been. This option has been removed from these evaluations.
What we're working on
Watch for these items to be released in the next few weeks:
- We are working on adding some new Chart features to our Reports system. We have added a column chart to the repository. This new feature is going to be released next week!
If you have questions or want more information about anything we released this week, call our Support team at 888.365.4639 and select option 2.
What's new
We released some new features and upgrades this week:
- We upgraded the informational Tours found in Foliotek Presentation. You can see the new style if you are working on your ID page, editing a portfolio, or building a project and click on the ? icon.
What we fixed
Several issues were fixed this past week:
- Evaluation links inside exported Assessment portfolios were not working. They now open as they should.
- Some faculty users were unable to download or open documents inside evaluations. That issue has been fixed.
- The ability to preview scoring guides was returning an error. The preview functionality has been restored.
- Scoring guides that scored expectations as part of a unit were incorrectly listing the expecations as separate units in previews. This error has been resolved.
- The ability to add files in the Personal presentation portfolio system has been restored.
- Some registration emails were being sent with registration links that were broken. These links have been corrected.
What we're working on
Watch for these items to be released in the next few weeks:
- We are working on adding some new Chart features to our Reports system. We have created a new and impropved version of the bar chart, check it out below. In the coming weeks, we'll give you a sneak peak of the other charts that will soon be available.
If you have questions or want more information about anything we released this week, call our Support team at 888.365.4639 and select option 2.
What's new
We released some new features and upgrades this week:
- Our evaluation scoring system has been upgraded! The functionality didn't change (other than fewer clicks in some places) but the look sure did. Contact Foliotek Support if you have any questions about it. Here's a screenshot of the Revision evaluation access hover.
What we fixed
Several issues were fixed this past week:
- The student ability to hide certain elements from the view of faculty members had broken. Now those elements will be hidden once again.
- The To-Do list wasn't collapsing properly. That issue has been fixed.
- The search feature when working with Standards lists had ceased to operate. That functionality has been returned.
- There were a couple of formatting issues with the description on the ID page, these issues have been resolved.
What we're working on
Watch for these items to be released in the next few weeks:
- We are working on adding some new Chart features to our Reports system. Once that gets closer to release, we'll post some screenshots.
If you have questions or want more information about anything we released this week, call our Support team at 888.365.4639 and select option 2.
What's new
We released some new features and upgrades this week:
- new features this week, but check out the 'What we're working on' section for what we will be releasing next week.
What we fixed
Several issues were fixed this past week:
- There was an issue with the notification when a user shared a Presentation project in a community. The notification now works as it should.
What we're working on
Watch for these items to be released in the next few weeks:
- Our evaluation scoring system is undergoing an upgrade! The target release date is September 14th. The screen this week shows the new Unit Navigation Bar. With this, you can easily gather information about the other units in the evalaution or switch units and score a different one without completing the unit you were viewing.
If you have questions or want more information about anything we released this week, call our Support team at 888.365.4639 and select option 2.