Presentation   Moderating Communities   Creating Project Templates

Creating Project Templates

Project templates are an outline to help students build projects for a specific course, assignment, or other project they may be working on. These templates can include question prompts, customized instructions, and resources for students to use to effectively create the perfect project.

Creating a Project Template

First, click on the Moderate Communities icon.

mod_iconNext, choose the community.

choose_commNow, choose the PROJECT TEMPLATES tab and choose Add Project Template.


Adding Instructions to your Template

On the right half of this page, you can add various instructions. This includes adding Books, Files, Images, Text, Questions, and Links. To add something to your instructions, choose one of the icons listed under Add an Object to this Instructions Page.project_instructions

Using the book, file, or image icons will prompt you to select the appropriate file.  In the files slider that opens on the left, you can select from files you have already uploaded or upload new files from your computer.

uploadUsing the Text icon will allow you to add simple text instructions.add_text

Using the Question icon will give you the ability to add a question prompt. You can choose a question type using the drop-down with the options seen below.question

Finally, you can use the Link icon to add various web resources or embedded videos.links

Additionally, you can add more instruction pages by clicking on the Plus icon under Instructions.add_pagesClick go to move on to the template editor.

Editing the Template

To edit the Project Template, click on the Pencil icon from the PROJECT TEMPLATES tab.

edit_template_projClick go to move from the instructions page to the Project template editor. Once you are in the Project Template editor, you can provide more guidance by adding information in the available sections. Use the Title box at the top to hint at a title or even the title you want your members to use. You can add additional pages using the Add Page button.

add_pages_to_projOn the pages of the Project Template, you can add content such as instructions or informational material.add_contentClick the Checkmark in the top right corner of the project when you are ready to save the template.saving

Publishing the Project Template

From the PROJECT TEMPLATES tab, find the template and click on the Checkmark icon to publish it. You can also choose the Eyeball icon to preview the template and the Trash icon to delete it. project_templates

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